Young Designers
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Design Faculty
Chairman’s Message
Director, NID
Activity Chairperson
Communication Design
I.T. Integrated Design
Interdisciplinary Design
Industrial Design
Textile Design
Communication Design
Exhibition Design (ED)
Film and Video Communication (FVC)
Graphic Design (GD)
Animation Film Design (AFD)
I.T. Integrated Design
New Media Design (NMD)
Design for Digital Experience (DDE)
Information and Interface Design (IID)
Interdisciplinary Design
Strategic Design Management (SDM)
Design for Retail Experience (DRE)
Industrial Design
Transportation and Automobile Design (TrAD)
Toy and Game Design (TGD)
Product Design (PD)
Ceramic and Glass Design (CGD)
Furniture and Interior Design (FID)
Textile Design
Lifestyle Accessory Design (LAD)
Textile Design (TD)
Apparel Design and Merchandising (ADM)
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