YD 07
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Pushpendra Prakash Sagar

Pushpendra Prakash Sagar
Animation Film Design >SLPEP

D&N Productions, Bangalore

Milindo Taid


Animated Political Cartoons

Animated Political Cartoons

The project was to build a portal for online flash animated gags. The challenge here was to understand the Indian political scene and world politics for making cartoons, dealing with real characters’ caricature and animating them in such a way that audiences could recognise the characters.

The concept is quite innovative in India in terms of presenting serious political issues in
a funny way through television news channels and news channel’s web sites. It could be updated weekly and till date this kind of idea has been unexplored.

The subject was chosen such that it had some significance as a good subject for a cartoon. The idea developed in a linear sequence of cinematic language. Once the storyboard was done, pencil sketching began. Initial sketches were hazy images or the expression of the imagination. After finalizing the pencil sketches, I made it digital using Flash vectors. The treatment of the gags was peppy, and characters and colours had a popular commercial feel. Finally I developed five short animated films.

To make political cartoons, one needs to be very sensitive about the issue or subject so that it does not hurt others’ feelings. Secondly, I had to consider some technical issues to keep minimum file size and as a result, it had a very limited animation approach. These were the major constraints I faced during the project and so I learned how to work with limited resources.

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