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Genesis of National Institute of Design (NID)

NID is one of the foremost multi-disciplinary institutions in the field of design education, applied research, training, design consultancy services and outreach programmes. NID was registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860) and also registered under the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950 (29 of 1950). In 1961 it was established as an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Industry (now known as the Ministry of Commerce and Industry). NID has also been recognized as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India.

In 2005, NID Gandhinagar Campus was set up and later in 2007, the NID Bengaluru Campus was set-up.

In July 2014, by the Act of Parliament, the institute was declared ‘Institution of National Importance’ by virtue of the National Institute of Design Act 2014. The NID Act 2014 came into force with effect from 16th September 2014.


As per the Statutes of NID (F. No. NIDA-GC-143-144-2016) dated 17th January 2017:

30.  Classification of the Members of the Staff of the Institute : The members of the staff of the Institute shall be classified as under:
a. Faculty members which shall include Director, Deans of the campuses, Principal Designer, Principal Faculty, Senior Designer, Senior Faculty, Associate Senior Designer, Associate Senior Faculty, Designer, Faculty and such other academic posts as recommended by the Senate and approved by the Governing Council. The faculty members shall be appointed either through direct recruitment or promotion, based on the recommendations of Selection Committee constituted by the appointing authority.

b. Technical Staff members which shall include Estate Engineer, Senior Executive Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Technical Officer , Engineer, Technical Instructor , Design Instructors, Technician or Technical Assistant, Design Assistant, Electricians, Drivers, Plumber, Lab Assistant, Lab Attendant and such other technical hands required for manning studios or labs or workshops or departments, as recommended by the Senate and approved by the Governing Council. The Technical Staff Members shall be appointed either through direct recruitment or promotion, based on the recommendations of Selection Committee constituted by the appointing authority.

c. Administrative and other staff which shall include Registrar, Chief Administrative Officer, Controller of Finance and Accounts, Controller of Examinations, Head Librarian or Resource Centre, Librarian, Deputy Registrar, Deputy Librarian, Administrative Officer Accounts Officers, Assistant Registrar, Administrative Officer, Accounts Officer, Superintendent, Assistants (Administrative/Accounts/Library/Academic), Essential service staff, Watch and Ward staff (housekeeping and Security staff) Chief Hostel Warden, Hostel Wardens, Assistant Wardens and such other staff required for manning administrative, establishment, Academic, accounts and finance, knowledge management tasks as recommended by Senate and approved by the Governing Council. The administrative and other staff members shall be inducted or recruited either through direct recruitment or promotion based on the recommendations of Selection Committee constituted by the appointing authority.

(2)  Appointments in all the above three categories shall be made in any of the following ways against sanctioned posts -
a) as regular employee against available posts on applicable pay scales and allowances; or
b) on contract basis for a fixed period up to three years (extendable for further periods as needed) on applicable pay scales and allowances; or
c) on fixed tenure basis on consolidated pay as approved by the Governing Council.

(3) Creation of Posts -
a)  The Governing Council may fix the ratios of faculty to student and faculty to non-faculty, as deem appropriate, that will serve as the guiding principle for creation of new posts in the respective class of the staff.
b)  No new posts shall be created without approval of Governing Council, which shall keep financial prudence in mind in doing so, and shall also ensure compliance of the instructions issued by the Government of India in this regard.

(4) Appointment against sanctioned posts.—
a)  All post in the Institute shall be filled by advertisement on all India basis through a notification on its web-site, print and electronic media and such other means as may be deem appropriate to ensure wide publicity.
b)  While making appointments, the Institute shall make necessary provisions for the reservation of posts as per the directives given by the Government of India from time to time.
c) In respect of all recruitments, appointment letters detailing the terms and conditions, tasks and responsibilities and other details shall be issued, after approval of competent authority, by the Registrar or such officer as may be specifically authorised to do so by the Director: Provided such terms and conditions, tasks, and responsibilities and other details shall not contravene the provisions of the Act, and the Statutes and Ordinances framed thereunder.
d) No act or proceeding of any Selection Committee shall be called in question on the ground of absence of any member or members of the Selection Committee.
e) Candidates selected or shortlisted for a post under the Institute may be paid such traveling allowances as may be determined by the Standing Committee of the Governing Council.
f) All appointments made by the Institute shall be reported to the Governing Council at its next meeting.
g) Subject to the provisions of the Act and the Statutes, all appointments to posts under the Institute shall ordinarily be made on probation for a period of one year after which period the appointee, if confirmed, shall continue to hold his office subject to the provisions of the Act, Statutes, till the end of the month in which he attains the age of Superannuation, i.e. sixty years, or earlier if he is found medically unfit or terminated on disciplinary grounds.
h) In case of faculty, retirement would be effective from the end of the semester in which faculty reaches the age of superannuation so that educational tasks and responsibilities in respect of courses assigned to such faculty members do not get disrupted in the mid-semester.

(5) Appointments on ad-hoc basis -
a) Notwithstanding anything contained in these statutes, in appropriate cases, the Director may appoint skilled professional or such other eminent person or educator or master craftsman or technical advisers from design and design related field from India or abroad, on such terms, conditions, and remuneration as may be fixed by the Governing Council.
b) The Director, in appropriate cases, may engage subject experts or professionals or technical experts or consultants on the fixed remuneration contract service basis for specific sponsored design research and development project, and consultancy projects for a specific period and the remuneration to these appointments shall be paid from the respective sponsored projects. The term of such appointment shall not exceed the duration of such sponsored or consultancy projects.
c) The Institute may engage Adjunct faculty on a consolidated pay basis and Visiting Faculty on per session/per day honorarium basis as per the requirements of the subjects to be taught and for such period as may be approved by the Standing Committee.

31. Selection Committee for appointments.—While making appointments to the posts in the Institute and Institute campuses the appointing authority shall constitute selection committees for various type of posts in the following manner namely:-
a) Director.—The appointment of the Director shall be made in accordance with the Recruitment Rules made by the Central Government as per provisions of Section 38 of the Act.
b) Faculty – The constitution of the selection committee shall be as under-
i.  Director, National Institute of Design - Chairman
ii. Activity Chairperson, Education - Member
iii. One other Activity Chairperson or Dean - Member
iv. External Expert in relevant subject - Member
v.  Chief Administrative Officer - Secretary
c)  Technical Staff and Administrative Staff – The constitution of the selection committee shall be as under-
i. Director, National Institute of Design - Chairman
ii. Activity Chairperson, Education - Member
iii. Head of the Department or Dean - Member
iv. Registrar - Member
v.  Chief Administrative Officer - Secretary
d) In absence of Director due to administrative reasons, the Director may nominate Activity Chairperson, Education or Head of Department to Chair Selection Committee.

32. Performance Appraisal System.—(1) All staff of the Institute shall be required to fill in self-appraisals evaluating one’s own performance independently and highlighting their contribution for the period of cycle of evaluation. The Supervisor of the employee or Head of the Department shall also give independent report on the performance of such staff, rating their performance. The Core Evaluation Committee shall evaluate performances of faculty and Heads of Departments whereas the Staff Evaluation and Development Committee shall evaluate performances of technical and administrative staff. These Committees shall evaluate both self and supervisory appraisal report and discuss with staff and their supervisors, if necessary and thereafter make an independent evaluation and recommend suitable rewards based on level of performance of each staff.

(2) Core Evaluation Committee:- The Director shall chair the Core Evaluation Committee and shall nominate four Activity Chairpersons or Principal Designers as member from amongst the available faculty. While evaluating the performance of faculty in the level of Senior Designer and above, an eminent academician of the level of professor and above shall be nominated as external expert of the Core Evaluation Committee.

(3) Staff Evaluation and Development Committee:- The Registrar, shall Chair the Staff Evaluation and Development Committee and the Director shall nominate three members amongst the Heads of Department and a Senior Faculty member in this Committee to review performance of Technical and Administrative Staff.

(4) Every faculty member will be required to submit self-appraisals every year to his Discipline Lead, who in turn shall evaluate and submit his recommendation to Activity Chairperson, Education or Dean of the Institute Campus as the case may be. These reports shall then be submitted to Core Evaluation Committee.

(5) The Core Evaluation Committee shall review the self and supervisory appraisal reports and invite the faculty member concerned to make a presentation to the Committee. On detailed review of the appraisal reports, presentation of the faculty member and discussions thereon, give their assessment on the performance of faculty member for the period of cycle of evaluation and recommend award of suitable incentives in the form of accelerated increments, grade change and promotion to the next grade with increased responsibilities. The recommendations of the Core Evaluation Committee shall be placed before the Director for approvals.

(6) Faculty members aggrieved with the recommendations of the Core Evaluation Committee may represent for review of decisions by the Committee or appeal to the Governing Council detailing their grievances. The decision of the Committee on the review application or the decision of the Governing Council on appeal shall be conveyed to the faculty member concerned within sixty days: Provided that an aggrieved faculty member may be given an opportunity, with the prior approval of the Chairman, to personally present his case by the Governing Council, if so desired by the faculty member.

(7) Staff Evaluation and Development Committee shall review the performance of all Technical and Administrative Staff Members periodically. Every such staff member will be required to submit a self-appraisal report to their supervisor.

(8) The supervisor of the staff member shall evaluate the self-appraisal report and also submit his own evaluation report in respect of the performance to Chief Administrative Officer.

(9) The Chief Administrative Officer shall present the performance appraisal reports to staff Evaluation and Development Committee. The Committee shall give their assessment on the performance of the staff member and recommend award of suitable incentives in the form of accelerated increments, grade change and promotion to the next grade based on the performance level and merit and contribution to the Institute objectives and goals. The recommendations of the Committee shall be placed before the Director for approval.

(10) Technical and administrative staff members aggrieved with the recommendations of the Staff Evaluation and Development Committee may represent for review of decisions by the Committee or appeal to the Governing Council detailing their grievances. The decision of the Committee on the review application or the decision of the Governing Council on appeal shall be conveyed to the faculty member concerned within sixty days; Provided however the aggrieved staff member may be given an opportunity to personally present his case before the Governing Council’s Standing Committee, if so desired by the staff member.

33. Grievances Committee: – (1) The Institute shall constitute a Grievances Committee to examine grievances other than performance appraisal related matters, if any, of the faculty, technical and administrative staff. Any grievance received by the Committee shall be expeditiously dealt with on the merits of the case and upon providing personal hearing for the aggrieved employee.

2. The composition of the Grievances Committee shall include Activity Chairperson (Education) or Dean as Chairman, Registrar and Controller of Finance and Accounts as members and Chief Administrative Officer as Member–Secretary.

3. The report of the Grievances Committee shall be submitted to the Director who shall take decision in the matter on the basis of the findings of the Grievances Committee.

4. An employee aggrieved by the decision of the Director may prefer appeal to the Standing Committee, excluding the Directorwhose decision in the matter shall be final.

34. General Service rules, regulations and delegation of Administrative and Financial powers.—(1) The rules, regulations, instructions, guidelines, delegation of financial powers approved by the Governing Council, and adopted by the Institute prior to the notification of the Act providing for general conditions of service, conduct and discipline rules, norms /guidelines for perks/facilities, National Design Institute Provident Fund, Gratuity, Advances and Loans shall continue to remain in force till such time they are amended or modified with the approval of the Governing Council:

Provided, that any proposal for amendment to the general service rules or conditions of service shall be discussed at the Senate meeting and  considered by the Council's Standing Committee before they are placed before the Governing Council for approval.

a) Out of the anticipated recurring income in any financial year, (inclusive of Government grants, earning from Consultancy and other income), the expenditure on committed budget-heads, such as salaries, wages, institutional overheads (like Gratuity, PF Contribution, taxes, telephone, electricity, medical reimbursement, maintenance, etc.,) will first be reserved. The remaining available income will then be allocated amongst various faculties/activities based on their approved annual plans.

b) The Activity Chairpersons/Heads of Dept./Coordinators will then operate their budget provisions so allocated, on items of expenditure such as travel, material purchase, overtime if any, entertainment and any other miscellaneous heads. Even though budgetary allocations will be made on annual basis, the expenditure by Chairmen will be regulated on quarterly basis in order to balance the cash-flow situation since Government grants are receivable quarterly.

c) The Activity Chairpersons/Heads of Dept./Coordinators will need to closely monitor their budgetary operations and ensure that no over-runs take place. If necessary, mid-year re-ordering of priorities may be done in order to complete the important activities on priority basis.

a. Budget code numbers will be assigned to all the budget operating Activity Chairpersons/Coordinators/Heads of Dept. who will indicate these budget codes on all indents, requisitions for accounting purpose.

b. The personal assistants / secretarial assistants attached to the Activity Chairpersons and Discipline Coordinators will be trained to keep a provisional budget monitoring system in a register or in budget sheets specifically printed for the purpose in order to ensure that the Activity Chairpersons /Heads of Dept./Coordinators do not authorize any over-runs in expenditure.

c. By the middle of every month the Accounts Dept will circulate information about booked expenditure in each area up to the end of previous month for cross verification. (The Accounts figures will not however indicate expenditure still in the pipelines).

d. The final expenditure vouchers, such as journal and invoice vouchers for travel, material purchases and other payments, as well as cash payment vouchers will be signed by the respective Activity Chairpersons / Discipline Coordinators/Heads of Depts. before the Accounts Dept. books the expenditure in the ledger accounts.

e. The Activity Chairpersons /Heads of Departments/Coordinators operating various budget centres will provide necessary explanations/justifications in respect of expenditure authorised by them as and when there are any Audit queries (Internal, Statutory or Govt.) pertaining to such sanctions/expenditure.

Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013

Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar Campus and Delhi Office:

  1. Dr. Tridha Gajjar - Presiding Officer
  2. Ms. Anju Pawar - Member
  3. Ms. Sujitha Nair - Member and Convener
  4. External Member*

Bengaluru Campus:

  1. Ms. Tulip Sinha - Presiding Officer
  2. Ms. Amrapali Hazra – Member
  3. Mr. Sharath B - Member and Convener
  4. External Member

Key Information - Link / Downloadable Documents


Addresses of the Main Campus and other Campuses / Centres of NID:

NID Ahmedabad Campus
National Institute of Design
Paldi, Ahmedabad - 380 007
Phone: +91 79 2662 9500 /2662 9600
Fax: + 91 79 2662 1167
E-mail: academic[at]nid [dot]edu ,
cmr[at]nid [dot]edu , admin[at]nid [dot]edu

NID Gandhinagar Campus
National Institute of Design
GH-0, Extension Road
Nr. Infocity, Gandhinagar - 382 007
Phone: + 91 79 2326 5500
Fax: + 91 79 2324 4518
E-mail: pgcampus[at]nid [dot]edu

NID Bengaluru Campus
National Institute of Design
# 12, HMT Link Road
Off Tumkur Road
Bengaluru - 560 022
Phone: + 91 80 2337 3276, 2337 3006
Fax: + 91 80 2337 3086
E-mail: rndcampus[at]nid [dot]edu

Incubator Centre
B-112, Rajaji Nagar Industrial Estate
Bengaluru 560 044
Ph: + 91 80 2337 6314

Delhi Centre
Core 6A, 3rd Floor, India Habitat Centre
Lodhi Road
New Delhi 110 003
Tel: +91 11 2464 7487
Telfax: + 91 11 2469 2846
E-mail: delhi[at]nid [dot]edu

NID is open from 09:00 am to 06:00 pm except for Saturdays, Sundays and National Holidays.


Contact information about the Public Information Officer and Departmental Appellate Authority of National Institute of Design

Public Information Officer:
Name : Samir More
Designation : Public Information Officer
STD Code : 079
Phone No. :  2662 9500/9600 Ext: 670
E-mail : rti[at]nid [dot]edu
Address : National Institute of Design, Paldi
Ahmedabad 380007

Department Appellate Authority

Name : Dr. Lalitha Poluru
Designation : Head Librarian (KMC/ Resource Centre)
STD Code : 079
Phone No. : 2662 9749
E-mail :  lalitha_p [at]nid [dot]edu
Address : National Institute of Design
Paldi, Ahmedabad 380007

Previous CPIO
Dr Mihir Bholey till July 2009

Previous Appellate Authority
Dr. Darlie Koshy till October 2008
Shri Akhil Succena from November 2008 to April 2009
Shri Pradyumna Vyas from April 2009 to December 2018
Shri Vijai Singh Katiyar from January 2019 to April 2019
Shri Praveen Nahar from April 2019 to September 2019
Ms. Rekha Nair from September 2019 to September 2024

Training programmes attended by concerned officials since 2019.

Sr. No.


Programme Details



Ms. Rekha Nair

Appellate Authority

Online Training/ Webinar on “Good Governance & Transparency through RTI”, National Productivity Council

11th January 2021


Dr. Dinesh Kumar Prasad


Online Training/ Webinar on “Good Governance & Transparency through RTI”, National Productivity Council

11th January 2021


Mr. Samir More


Online training programme on Central Public Information Officers on Right to Information Act (Advance) conducted by ISTM, New Delhi

17th February 2022


No. of employees against whom disciplinary action has been*
1. Pending for Minor penalty or major penalty proceedings: NIL
2. Finalised for Minor penalty or major penalty proceedings: 00

* (as on 30th April 2024)

Replies to questions asked in the parliament: NIL

No. of



No. of



October 2017 to December 2017







January 2018 to December 2018







January 2019 to December 2019







January 2020 to December 2020







January 2021 to December 2021







January 2022 to December 2022







January 2023 to December 2023







January 2024 to September 2024















There is no prescribed format of application for seeking information. The application can be made on plain paper. The application should, however, have the name and complete postal address of the applicant.

The application alongwith the prescribed fees may be sent to Public Information Officer, National Institute of Design, Paldi, Ahmedabad.

For obtaining information under the RTI Act, 2005, prescribed fees of Rs. 10/- (Rs. Ten only) should be paid by Cash / Demand Draft / Banker’s Cheque / Indian Postal Order (IPO) in favour of ‘National Institute of Design’ payable at Ahmedabad. 

If the applicant belongs to below poverty line (BPL) category, he is not required to pay any fee. However, he should submit a proof in support of his claim to belong to the below poverty line. The application not accompanied by the prescribed fee of Rs. 10/- or proof of the applicant’s belonging to below poverty line, as the case may be, shall not be a valid application under the Act.

The Act provides for payment of Rs. 2/- per page for information on copies of documents to be supplied to the information seeker. Also in case of soft copy of any records a charge of Rs. 50/- per CD is payable while providing the information. These charges are payable by the information seeker as applicable.

The information seeker will be advised to pay these applicable charges before the information is provided by the PIO. 

This intimation will be sent within 30 days of receipt of request for information and will not tantamount to denial of information within 30 days, as prescribed under Act.

Online RTI:

To know more about the Right to Information Act please visit: RTI Act.

Centralised Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS):

If any grievance not settled through RTI, CPGRAMS and the same is communicated to the Institute, endeavours shall be made to connect with the grievant through VC for suitable redressal.

Last updations as on 22nd Nov. 2024.

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